Wednesday, June 8, 2011

China executes youth over road rage killing

China's promise of sharply reducing death sentences came in for severe scrutiny by thousands of internet users across the country as a 19-year-old music student was executed on Tuesday for the road rage murder of a woman. Yao Jiaxin had fatally stabbed Zhang Miao, a 26-year old mother of a two-year-old, last October when he saw her taking down his car's licence plate number after a minor accident in which he slightly injured her after hitting her bike.

The Higher People's Court of Shaanxi Province rejected an appeal for a more lenient sentence and confirmed the death penalty awarded to him for intentional murder on May 20. He was immediately executed. The decision to execute Yao Jiaxin immediately after the judgment surprised many since government leaders have been saying for months that it would carefully review each death verdict and involve the Supreme People's Court in the process. The trial has triggered a heated debate on various Chinese sites.

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